
Writings of a teachermom, choosing to stay home with her kids, while loathing all domestic responsibilities! In late Aug. 2008, I was diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer. After surgery, chemo and radiation, I was given theall clear. However, in the late summer of 2008, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, which metasticized to other areas.

Friday, December 19, 2008

A busy week

What a busy week for me.

On Tuesday, I had my bloodcounts checked. My husband thought it would be a good idea to have this done before I continued with my new chemo pill Xeloda . Well, it turns out my Red Blood Cell Count was low. In order to get it back up to a healthy level quickly so that I could continue with my chemo, I had to have a blood transfusion. So that took a few hours out of my day that I did not expect, and I was not prepared for (didn't bring anything that I could do while I lied there. There was a room available however, so I did get to lie down and rest. That was nice.

On Wednesday I was not dealing with any medical appointments. I had gotten a couple of my friends gift cards for pedicures for their birthdays a while back. So we planned a girls' pedi and lunch outing. It was nice to get out and be with my friends. I do miss all the time that I used to hang out with them and our kids. I used to be one of the "social planners" of the group....always finding stuff to do and places to go with our kids. And if someone sent out an e-mail asking if anyone wanted to meet up somewhere with out kiddos, I was usually game for anything. I haven't been able to do that in a long time, and it does make me really sad. Hopefully, now that I can drive, and with the medical appointments tapering off, I'll be able to do more. Wednesday afternoon I picked up my mom at the airport. SHE's BACK......YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Thursday I had the 2nd half of my blood transfusion. All went fine, and this time I was prepared...with Christmas cards to address. I still have many more to do, but at least I got a start. And, we didn't have any issues with getting the IV in. My veins are SO BAD with all the times they have to access them, that it's rare if someone can draw blood or inject anything in me without having to try a couple times. I'm pretty used to it now, and although everyone is usually very apologetic, most of the time it doesn't even bother me.

Also on Thursday we met with another Oncologist, Dr. Yee. When my husband told me about the appointment, at first I just sighed and said, "Do we really need to go? He's just going to say the same thing that all the other doctors we have consulted with have said." (And let me tell you, there are quite a few doctors we've seen in person, and dozens more that my husband has contacted by phone or e-mail). But Dr Yee is a breast cancer specialist from the University of Minnesota, and I am so glad that my husband set up this appointment. Maybe it was because I've seen so many doctors now I actually could understand most of what Dr. Yee was saying in terms of treatment. But also, he was just very clear, and personable. He spoke directly to me in mostly medical terminology that I understood. And if I didn't know what he was talking about, I was comfortable enough to ask. Dr. Yee was very clear about what treatment plan we should follow and why. And he seemed very positive about things.....where as many other doctors seemed like they were throwing in the towel. I'm sure my last round of tests had something to do with it. All the radiation that my great Dr. Vic had me do killed off a lot of cancer. So Dr. Yee had more to be positive about, but both Melvin and I felt we had a really good and informative visit. I am so glad we went and grateful that God led us to this doctor. He thinks I should have a bone scan, and another lumbar puncture.

Today, I FINALLY got to meet up with my Bible Study group (Mom's Spiritual Spa group). These are the same ladies that I meet when going to play places with our kids (as I wrote about earlier in this post). They've been SUCH a support to me during this time...even though I have not been able to be a very good friend to them. But as I get stronger and stronger and my mind clears more, I hope to be able to be there for them, as much as they've all been there for me.

And physical therapy today....let's just say that I might not be able to walk tomorrow. The therapist had me doing a lot of work on my quads to help me with my strength. I haven't worked my quads like that in a really long time...so I hope I can still walk around the stores and go Christmas shopping this weekend!

But praise God for a good week. It was busy...but overall it's good that I can be busy like this.

Matthew 7:7
Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you.

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At 4:16 AM, Blogger wiferhood said...

Praise God for your faith in His Word. Praise God for your strength! Praise God for your tenacity to stand firmly on His promises!

Praise God for restoration! Praise God for His faithfulness. Praise God for His love. Praise God for victory over every circumstance and situation.

Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord!

At 11:04 AM, Blogger KC said...

I am so glad for you! How nice it must be to have a doctor you can really talk to.

Merry Christmas to you and your fam!

At 5:07 PM, Blogger IrishMommy said...

What a great Christmas gift... Prayers for continued healing and more time with friends!

At 9:49 PM, Blogger cg said...

I am so happy to read these posts Cari, it is wonderful to know that you are getting stronger every day ;-) Have a wonderful christmas

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

SOOOO glad you've had a good week. And it is only going to get better.
PTL for all of His blessings!!!
Merry Christmas!

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound fabulous....getting so good at all the medical mumbo-jumbo that will hopefully be unnecessary soon....glad you found a doc who can be clear and positive...have a wonderful Christmas....

Kris Gendreau and family

At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your most recent emails have been so full of hope, and you sound like you are gaining strength and function every day. I am so happy for you and your family! It must feel wonderful to be able to get out and just do some normal things, like driving and having a pedicure! My family and I think of you and pray for you always. With much love for a peaceful and happy Christmas week, Debbie Cip


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