
Writings of a teachermom, choosing to stay home with her kids, while loathing all domestic responsibilities! In late Aug. 2008, I was diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer. After surgery, chemo and radiation, I was given theall clear. However, in the late summer of 2008, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, which metasticized to other areas.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

What a salesman

Cameron came home on Friday with one of those school fundraisers. You know the ones that get the kids all hyped up about selling items so that they can win really “great” prizes. Cameron said if he sold 25 items he could win some camera that he can put up in his room and when someone walks buy it shouts, “Intruder!” Of course the more he sells of this stuff-that-no-one-really-needs, the better the prize. And if he sells 175 items, he can win a Nintendo Wii game system.

I asked him what his plan was to sell these 175 items.

He didn’t even hesitate, handed me the catalogue and said, “You better start buying.”

If anyone happens to be interested in purchasing something from www.thechipshoppe.com, e-mail me and I’ll send you Cameron’s code.

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At 6:19 AM, Blogger Fantastic Four said...

The boys all came home talking about the same camera! I am done selling the fundraiser stuff (with three kids in the same school). I decided this year, I was going to send the PTA a check and take the boys to Lego Land to pick out their own prize. Tom gets so upset when they pull all these kids into the gym and basically tell them that it is so EASY to will great stuff! I think I still have something in my freezer from the last year fundraiser! I think 10 kids came oto my door on Friday night selling stuff! I shouldn't complain- maybe I should join the PTA and see if there are other ideas on fundraisers???

At 6:20 AM, Blogger Fantastic Four said...

I should have proofed my prior message!

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Ann said...

Fundraising - yikes. I am the Scholastic rep for my eldest's kindergarten class. I think I can handle that much.

I remember my parents just writing a cheque when I was in grade school. As a woman on a mission to declutter, I won't be buying anything (except perhaps edible items low in fat and sugar ... possible??)

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a different take on limited fundraisers. "Limited" I said. I was one of those children that "loved" to go door to door (during safer times)and shoot for the "prize". There were some lessons to learn. First, it cost more than the tuition my parents had to educate me and I was actually helping out to get some extra's in school with my selling. I also learned how to count money, find different aproaches to sell my goods ....like a sweet smile and excitement(boxes of pretzels during my school days!)and that it doesn't end at just the selling. The worst part for me was delivering the goods and people not being home.....yuk.....and having to return again. But I picked up some social skills,organizing the boses when they came in (with myk Mom's help) salesmanship and pride in achieving my goal and standing in front of the entire school to receive my prize. Was I weird???


At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on lunch and rushing through this post............I did learn spelling too during those school days.

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Caro said...

Allison was selling that stuff too. Ugh. I hate the school fundraisers.

She sold seven items, three to me and four to her grandparents.

That netted her two absoulutely fantastic prizes. LOL


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