Proud of my little one

She had a few accidents the first few days. But we dealt with them...with Resolve carpet cleaner. The next few days, she stopped battling me and if I requested her to, she'd sit on the toilet. She stopped crying for a diaper, and was finally happy to wear the Dora underwear she had rejected for so long. Then she actually would sit on the toilet and pee everytime I asked her to. Finally yesterday, she decided that she didn't need me telling her what to do. By evening time, she was initiating her own bathroom breaks.
I knew we had finally nailed the potty training this morning, when I couldn't find her anywhere. I finally looked into the bathroom where the door was closed. I found her sitting on her little potty, trying to poop. She looked at me, quite annoyed, and said, "No mommy. Close the door!" I guess she likes her privacy.
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! I just want to do some back flips...if I could!
Labels: Ella, potty training
we're just about to start it- tips?
Another phase of babyhood done & over with.............history!!!!!
Congratulations to Mom, Sara and Ella!
What is it with the third one wanting to stay the baby? I admit, part of me wants to keep her a baby, too, but I can pass on the diaper part!
Congrats to you guys! Go, Ella!! (just use the potty)
Yeah Ella!
Congrats to you both.
She looks very big girlish in that foto.
I am hoping to follow your lead in a few more weeks with my boy - he can randomly do a few things, but with the huge car trip up & coming, wasn't going to start just yet.
I hope he gets it as quick as Ella bella!
Maybe this would have happened a lot sooner if you had let her feel like she was in charge! Congratulations!
Oh! I guess I should have signed my name! On the "in charge comment"
Love you much,
Auntie Nita
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